Equity in Community-Centered Models for Aging: A Virtual Summit

This 90-minute virtual summit convened global thought leaders on aging in community whose scholarship integrates research, theory, and practice to enhance work on community-centered initiatives and aging equity. Drawing attendees from over 17 countries, this global summit included three presentations, large-group reflection, and facilitated breakout room discussions. This event was held in partnership by the Rutgers Hub for Aging Collaboration, University of Manchester, University of California, San Francisco, and Wayne State University. 

Slides from the presentations are available.


  • Tine Buffel, PhD | University of Manchester. Presentation title: Reimagining Age-friendly Communities: A Spatial Justice Approach to Urban Ageing Research
  • Emily Greenfield, PhD, & Clara Scher, LMSW, MSc | Rutgers University. Presentation title: Aging Equity and Diversity as Part of Age-Friendly Community Practice: Perspectives from the U.S.
  • Jarmin Yeh, PhD, MPH, MSSW | UCSF. Presentation title: Co-Creating an LGBTQ+ Adult Day Program: Lessons Learned From a Formative Evaluation

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